The “European Regulation 2016/679 concerning the protection of individuals about the processing of personal data, and about the free circulation of them” (hereafter “GDPR”) dictates the protection of individuals about the processing of personal information as a fundamental right. According to article 13 of the GDPR, we inform you that: Data categories

1.1 Data collected automatically

The computer systems and the applications dedicated to the functioning of this website observe, during their normal functioning, some data (their transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols) potentially associated to identifiable users. Among the collected data, we include the IP addresses and the domain names of the computers used by the users connecting to the site, the addresses in the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (positive ending, error, etc.) and other parameters concerning the operating system, the browser and the IT environment used by the user. These data are treated, for the time strictly necessary, for the only purpose to obtain statistical information about the use of the site and to check its regular operation. The conferement of these data is mandatory because it is directly connected to the web surfing experience.

1.2 Data provided voluntarily by the user

The voluntary and explicit sending of e-mails to the addresses indicated in the different access channels of this site does not imply a request of consent and the possible compilation of specifically prepared forms involve the subsequent acquisition of the address and data of the sender / user, necessary to answer to the requests produced and / or to provide the requested service. The voluntary submission, from you, of e-mails to our e-mail addresses does not require further information or requests of agreement. On the contrary, specific report will be shown or displayed on the pages of the site prepared for particular services on request (form). The user will have to explicitly consent to the use of the data reported in these forms in order to send the request.

1.3 Cookies

The website does not use technical / profiling cookies of third parties that could collect user browsing data, whose conferment is optional and it takes place through the expression of a free and informed consent. Cookies work in order to analyze the effectiveness of the site and to make it easier and more intuitive over time. The data collected through cookies are used to make the surfing experience more enjoyable and more efficient in the future, trying to judge the behavior of users and to modify the offer of contents according to their behavior. For further information, a special cookie policy is available.

2) Source of personal data

Personal datas of LAB68 s.r.l. ā€“ single -member company are in possession and they are collected directly at the interested party.

3) Processing owner

Processing owner is LAB68 s.r.l. ā€“ single -member company based in Via dell’Oreficeria, 30 / P 36100 Vicenza (VI), VAT NĀ° 04443990231, that you could contact on +3904441832600 or you could send email to

4) Purposes of data processing and legal basis

The processing of your data is based on your consent and its purpose is: To improve the web browsing experience.

5) Recipients of data

With the limits relevant to the processing purposes indicated, your data will could be transmit to partners, consultancy companies, private companies, appointed supervisors by the owner of the treatement by legal obligations or to fulfill your specific requests. Your data will not be in any way subjected to be arranged. The supervisors and the individuals in charge are promptly identified in the Privacy Document, which is updated periodically.

6) Transfer of data abroad

The collected data are not object to be transfered abroad.

7) Preservation period

Data collected will be kept for a period of time not exceeding the achievement of the purposes for which they are processed (“preservation limitation principle”, art.5, GDPR) or on the basis of the deadlines established by law. The verification of the obsolescence of the data stored in relation to the objectives for which they were collected is carried out periodically.

8) Rights of the interested party

The interested person has always the right to request to the owner the access to data, the correction or cancellation of them, the limit of the processing or the possibility of objecting to the processing, to request datas portability, to revoke the consent to the processing of data claiming these and other rights forecasted by the GDPR through a simple communication to the Owner. The interested person submits claim to a supervisory authority.

9) Compulsoriness or not of consent

The conferment of your data is mandatory during browsing our website.

10) Methods of processing data

The personal data that you provide will be the object of processing operations in compliance with the regulation and the confidentiality obligations that the activity of Owner is inspired. The datas will be processed with computer tools and on paper and on any other kind of suitable support, in compliance with the appropriate security measures in accordance with the Article 5 par. 1 lett. F of the GDPR.

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