1) General provisions
1.1 For the purposes of these terms of use with the term User, we mean the person who uses the services offered by the site www.lab68.uk (hereinafter “site”), in the case it limits to consult the information inserted in the site and also in the case it uses the reserved areas.
1.2 The use of the site is governed by these terms of use, and their acceptance represents an agreement between the User and the Owner and it is provided with the mere fact of surfing the Web pages.
1.3 Additional rules and conditions could be arranged by the Owner to discipline single services offered in the site: the User will adapt to them to use the concerning good and service.
1.4 The law applicable to the relations arising from the use of the service is the Italian one, in the light of which the present conditions of use must also be interpreted. 1.5 With the term “Owner of the service”, it is indicated uniquely the Company LAB68 s.r.l. – Single -member company, based in Via dell’Oreficeria, 30 / P 36100 Vicenza (VI), Italy.
1.5 The Owner reserves himself the right to make changes at any time, even substantial to these terms of use, letting the User knows about them through publication on the website. The access after the change implies full acceptance by the User of the new terms of use .
1.6 In the text are often mentioned terms, commonly recognised and by the univocal meaning that, until a contrary explicit instance, are assumed to be known and understood by the user of the site and the services offered for it. Requirements and obligations of the User.
2.1 The User agrees not to access the reserved areas in case he/she is not the true and legitimate holder of the access credentials.
2.2 The User is required to use the site and the services in punctual and constant compliance with the law, public order and morality, and what is established in these conditions of use.
2.3 In case the user accesses his reserved area to integrate or modify his/her personal data, he/she undertakes to provide information that is true and strictly necessary for the use of the services provided by the owner.
2.4 With the activation or the obtaining of the account, the User undertakes to use the same, and in any case the related user-id and password, legitimately and correctly, also in view of the legal consequences linked to such use.
2.5 The User must keep the user-id and password related to his account with due care and diligence, and in case of subtraction and loss he/she is obliged to communicate it promptly and to request the deactivation.
2.6 The User has the obligation to promptly notify the owner of the loss or removal of the login credentials (User-id and password): in the absence of such communication, all the displays of will, the deeds and facts which produce legal effects made through the User’s account will unquestionably be attributed to them.
2.7 LAB68 s.r.l. – Single- member company does not provide any kind of response to the illegitimate consultation of personal data contained in the area reserved by unauthorised third parties who have become aware of the authentication credentials of the User for negligence of the latter.
2.8 The User undertakes not to disturb in any way the use of the service by other Users.
2.9 It is forbidden for the User to copy or otherwise learn the contents of the website, in its entirety, for uses other than strictly personal and, in any case, for commercial purposes, without prejudice to
provisions on the subject of copyright and / or industrial law.
2.10 If the user proceeds to the publication of website content on a Social Network, through an account, he assumes all responsibility that may derive from it.
2.11 Users and / or third parties are not allowed to create links to this website without the prior written approval of the Single Member Company – LAB68 s.r.l.. In any case, the Owner reserves the right to request the removal of links to this website at any time. Obligations, guarantees and exemptions of responsibility of the Owner.
3.1 The Owner undertakes to provide the User with the online accessibility of the website and the services offered for it, as well as the communication tools connected to them, taking care of their implementation compatibly with the current state of evolution of the IT tools. However, also in relation to the current state of knowledge and technology, the Owner can not exclude that malfunctions or transmission defects may occur. Therefore, by entering the site, the User accepts what follows: a) the website or parts of it may be temporarily inaccessible due to system flaws and / or connection failures or events beyond the control of Owner, b) the Owner, except where specified, has no control over the nature or content of the information transmitted or received by the user using the website or in any way examines how the website is used.
3.2 The Owner is not responsible for any use of this website and the services offered for it made in violation of the law, morality or public order, or in contravention of the provisions of these terms of use.
3.3 The Owner offers no guarantee regarding the constant updating of the information entered on the website. Therefore any further information and / or more information may be requested from the specific internal functions of the Company LAB68 s.r.l. – Unipersonal.
3.4 The Owner does not exercise any control over the links to other Websites and their content, present in their pages. If the connection refers to a website that offers further services through the Owner, its use will be governed by the conditions of use set by the service provider himself.
3.5 The Owner is not liable for any damages and / or losses and / or malfunctions and / or prejudices of any kind that may arise to the User’s computer from the use of the service provided. Moreover, the holder is not responsible for any contamination of the computer system arising from from access, interconnection, downloading of material and computer programs from the website; the related repair / restoration costs are charged to the user Intellectual Property
4.1 This website is protected by the existing legislation in Italy concerning copyright.
4.2 The User is prohibited to copy or otherwise learn, publish, spread, transmit or otherwise make available, even partially and/or as a result of modifications, as published on the website, except in cases where this is expressly provided on the website. Final provisions
5.1 The Owner reserves the unilateral right to modify, suspend or interrupt the website and the related services offered, as well as the modification, suspension or interruption of the account and the related communication tools linked to the single User. Jurisdiction
6.1 The use of the services provided by the Owner through the website is not authorised in the jurisdictions that do not recognise the validity of all provisions issued through the present conditions of use, including, without limitation, this paragraph. This website is administered and managed by the Company LAB68 s.r.l. – Single member company with headquarters in Via dell’Oreficeria, 30 / P Vicenza (VI) – Italy.